
July 3

Warm Up:

Resistance Band Shoulder Stretches


RDL x5

Hang Power Clean x5

Power Clean x5

Front Squat x5

Chest to Bar Pull Ups x5


Build to 1RM Power Clean

3-3-2-2-1-1-1; Sets of 3s and 2s should be touch and go reps


Climb ladder s high as possible in 12 minutes

3 Power Cleans (135/85)

3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

6 Power Cleans

6 C2B Pull Ups

9 Power Cleans

9 C2B Pull Ups, etc…….

Scaling Options:

Power Cleans: Use 60-70% of 1RM

Chest to Bar Pull Ups: Pull Ups, Negatives, Resistance Bands